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Workout 1 - Level 2
Anastasia avatar
Written by Anastasia
Updated over a week ago

The equipment you will need for level 2 this week is a large towel or mat. The table below is an overview of the exercises you will perform this week. Be sure to warm up before performing the exercises below.


Partial wall squat

Using a wall to support your back, stand with your feet slightly further than hip distance apart and toes slightly turned out. Your heels should be far enough away from the wall behind you so that when you bend your knees, you can still see your toes. Bend at the knees to slide down the wall to a 90-degree angle (or slightly above if you’re too challenged). keep your weight distributed in your heels and then stand back up into your starting position. Continue for 45 seconds.


Knee push up

Starting on the floor, place your hands directly below your shoulders and slightly further apart than shoulder width. From the top of your back to your knees should be one straight line and your legs should be crossed at the shins. Be sure to contract your abdominal and glute muscles so that your back doesn’t over arch or sag when you lower yourself. To begin, slowly start to bend your elbows and lower your chest until your chin reaches the floor (or just before if it's too much of a challenge), then slowly return to the starting position. Continue for 45 seconds.


Lunge pulses

Start standing with your feet hip distance apart. Step the right foot forward and bend at the knee to a 90-degree angle, keeping your back straight. As you bend the right knee, your left knee should bend and move toward the floor (but not touch the floor), stay in this lunge position and begin to bend the knee very slightly up and down (pulsing) on the right leg for 20 seconds. Then step the right leg back into your standing position and repeat your lunge pulses on the left side for 20 seconds.


Dynamic bird dogs

Begin on all fours in a table-top position. Hands are directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Keeping your back straight, lengthen your right leg behind you, pressing your right heel into an imaginary wall behind you. At the same time lengthen out the left (opposite) arm in front of you. Then bring the leg and arm back to your table-top position and draw the right knee to meet the left elbow, straighten the same leg and arm again then move to the other side. Continue alternating for 45 seconds.



Stand with your feet hip distance apart, toes pointing forward. Maintain a slight bend in your knees as you hinge at the hips. Start by shifting your weight into your heels, then pushing your hips and glutes back behind you. You will feel a stretching in the back of the thighs, if it is too uncomfortable, bend your knees more. To come back to standing, thrust the hips forward and squeeze the glutes at the top in your standing position. Continue for 45 seconds.


Lateral raise pulses

Stand with your feet hip distance apart, keeping your back straight and your abdominal muscles engaged. Start with your hands by your side, palms facing the body. Begin by leading with your elbows to raise your arms out to the side of your body. As you reach the top of the raise, rotate your wrists so that your thumbs face down, begin to pulse your arms up and down. Continue to keep your arms up (pulsing) for 45 seconds.

Next: Repeat exercises, do cardio, or cool down

Depending on how you feel, you may like to repeat this workout. Alternatively, if you would like to incorporate some more cardio (aerobic) exercise into your routine, then now would be a good time to do our 5 minute cardio booster.

If you're done for the day, then finish with a cool down and stretch.  

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