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Workout 2 - Level 3
Anastasia avatar
Written by Anastasia
Updated over a week ago

The equipment you will need for level 3 this week is a large towel or mat. Be sure to warm up first!

Single leg hip thrust

Lie down on the ground with your knees bent and feet firmly planted on the floor. Then lift one foot from the floor so that the leg floats up and all the weight is in the foot on the floor. Brace your core and press your heel into the floor, driving your hips upwards. Pause at the top, making sure to squeeze glutes. Then return back to starting position in a controlled motion. Repeat on the same leg for 30 seconds, then more over to the other leg and repeat for 30 seconds. Make sure your back stays straight and chin tucked into the chest. Be sure not to overextend the hips up to the ceiling and overarch the lower back.

Forearm plank + toe tap

Starting in your plank position (similar to your full push up position but on your forearms). Place your forearms on the ground with elbows aligned below shoulders, and arms parallel to the body at roughly shoulder width distance. If flat palms bother your wrists, clasp your hands together. Then start to tap the feet out to the sides about 30cm from the starting position, alternating between feet. Hold for 60 seconds, continuing to tap your feet to the sides.

Reverse lunge + high knee

Start standing with your feet hip distance apart. Step back with your right leg, lowering your body toward the ground until your front knee reaches 90 degrees, keeping your back straight. Your back knee should be close to the ground, but not touching. Return to the standing position by putting most of the weight into your left heel while contracting the glute, then continue to lift the right knee up to hip height and back down into your lunge. Repeat this movement with the right leg for 30 seconds, then continue with the left leg for 30 seconds.

High knees

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart with your hands by your side. Begin by lifting one knee to chest height and then lower back down, alternating to the other leg. To increase your heart rate, swing your arms in conjunction to your legs. You are jogging on the spot and trying to lift your knees as high as you can. Continue for 60 seconds.

Straight leg ab curl

Begin lying flat on the floor, tuck your pelvis so that your lower back is flat. Keep your spine in this straight position. Start to peel your torso off the ground so that you finish in a seated position with your legs straight out in front of you. Slowly lower back down to lie flat on your back and continue up and down for 60 seconds.

Side plank

Lie on one side with your legs stacked and fully extended. Using your lower elbow and forearm, prop your body up, making sure to keep your abs tight the entire time. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Hold on one side for 30 seconds then switch to the other side for another 30 seconds.

Cool down or repeat

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