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Workout 7 - Level 1
Anastasia avatar
Written by Anastasia
Updated over a week ago

The equipment you will need for level 1 this week is a large towel or mat. Be sure to warm up before performing the exercises below.

Narrow stance squat

Stand with your feet slightly apart. Make sure your pelvis is tucked under so your glutes aren't sticking out too much, which will help engage your lower abdominals. Bend your knees to sit down onto an imaginary chair (or just above), keep your weight distributed in your heels and your back upright, not tilting too far forward. Stand back up and continue for 30 seconds.

Step backs

Stand with your hands on your hips or by your side, to help you balance. Step one leg back, although instead of lunging, step back a short distance behind you and stay on your toes on the back foot. Then step back to centre and alternate over to the other leg. Continue alternating between legs for 30 seconds.

Side lunge

Begin standing with your feet wider than shoulder distance apart (roughly 1-1.5 meters). Start the move by sitting back with your glutes toward the floor and at the same time leaning into the right leg, the right knee will bend as you sit down towards the floor. Then come back up to a wide leg standing position and swap over to the left. Continue alternating between right and left sides for 30 seconds.

Bird dogs

Begin on all fours in a table-top position. Hands are directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Keeping your back straight, lengthen your right leg behind you, pressing your right heel into an imaginary wall behind you. At the same time lengthen out the left (opposite) arm in front of you. Then bring the leg and arm back to your table-top position and continue alternating for 30 seconds.

Supine ab curls (bent knees)

Begin lying on your back with your feet flat in the floor and knees bent. Tuck your pelvis so that your lower back is flat on the mat. Keep your spine in this straight position and now lift your feet off the floor so that your knees lift up directly above your hips and your legs are in a 90-degree angle in the air. Begin to peel your head, neck and chest off the floor, crunching in your abs to look between your knees. lower down and continue for 30 seconds.

Standing side bends

Stand with your feet hip distance apart and your knees slightly bent. Release the right hand down to your side with your palm touching the side of your right thigh. Begin to inch the right hand down your leg as low as you can go, so that you feel a nice stretching on the left side ribcage and a crunching in the right rib cage continue for 15 seconds and repeat on the other side for 15 seconds.

Cool down or repeat

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